
Entity Definition

Logical Name : SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost
Physical Name : AS_CST_SPR_ITM_BS

The supplier's catalog base cost (the cost before any promotions, allowances, charges, discounts, etc.) for the SUPPLIER ITEM. .

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
SupplierID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Supplier. ID_SPR Identity integer SupplierItem(AS_ITM_SPR)
SupplierItemID (FK)(PK) The code assigned by the supplier to uniquely identify the ITEM ID_ITM_SPR Identity integer SupplierItem(AS_ITM_SPR)
SupplierItemCostPerUnitTypeCode (PK) Defines the unit type the owned attribute costs are assigned to for this item. Valid unit types include: SALE UNIT, PACK UNIT and SHIP UNIT. A single SUPPLIER ITEM may in effect have 1 to three SUPPLIER ITEM BASE COST entities associated with it. TY_UN_CST Code2 char(2)
PerUnitAmount The published cost, excluding any allowances for discounts, for the SUPPLIER ITEM. CP_UN_BS MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)
NetCostPerUnitAmount The published unit cost including allowances and charges for the item. CP_UN_NT MoneyShortCost decimal(16,5)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
SupplierItem is assigned a cost by SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost
SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost is modified by DealSupplierItem
SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost is reduced to SupplierItemCatalogBaseCostBreak

Logical Views containing SupplierItemCatalogBaseCost

Logical View
Logical 01500 - Item Supplier View